Monday, March 17, 2014

March 17, 2014

Hello, hello!
This has been a great week; we have been talking with everyone we see, we have had some great meetings, and now we are starting to see miracles from all our efforts! Just another testimony that obedience to what the Lord wants brings the promised blessings, even if they are delayed sometimes. 
We are teaching H. right now, a great guy. He was Adventist, and was having problems accepting baptism because he has some worries that if the owners of his house find out (they are Adventists, too) they will kick him and his fam out, but on Saturday a miracle occurred. We were having a baptism from the other companionship in this ward, and invited him, and in the middle of the baptism he leans over to me and whispers, "I’m getting baptized at the end of the month.” Winning. 
Also, S. was going to come to church but it rained and she didn’t make it, super disappointing. We hadn’t prepared her well enough, I guess. Granted, we only saw her once in the week but whatever. Next week, she will come and be spiritually blown away.
As always, we are remembering the importance of our message. Not one soul can go without hearing about the Restoration of the Gospel; everyone needs to hear about what Jesus Christ has done, and continues to do, for us. So we have been sharing it with everyone, and remembering it ourselves. I have been learning a lot--in my spare time (ha, if it existed), I have been going over all the talks of all the conferences of my mission. There are some classics. I am so excited for conference! Just a few more weeks! Somethin’ crazy is gonna happen. I’m callin’ it.
I hope everyone is doing well, is happy, is working hard, is playing hard, and is finding joy in the journey. I’m loving my time here, all the things I’m learning, and hopefully what I’m becoming. The trick is just makin’ it stick. 
I love you all!

Elder Brown

The "Best Thing to Happen to Lider" (Chile's WalMart equivalent)--a pack of mini Ritter Sport that only costs about $2!

Elder Cruz, Zach's "grandson" (his trainee's trainee) with a real, live bull--appropriate since he is from Spain

Saying "adios" to good pal Elder Durrant on his transfer to Linares

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