August 19, 2013
Hey, Everyone!
It has been a fantastic week. I LOVE
Not to brag, but this has been one
of the greatest weeks of my mission, finally getting out of that hole of a
house and getting to Tomé, the prettiest city in the mission! Seriously, it’s
awesome. Things are good, and it’s great to be with a Latino again that can
help me out.
My skin is totally getting way
better. I’ve been washing it better (now that we can get somewhat hot water)
with antibacterial soap, taking antibiotics and cream that we got from the
hospital that we went to. Another brush with Chilean health care--it actually was
not that bad. Just long waiting.
Honestly, the last two cambios have been super tough. Especially the last one. I have had tons of skin problems, not a ton of success as far as the work goes, just as I feel that I have been working my hardest and becoming the best missionary that I can be so far during my mission, everything just stopped. For those who don’t recognize it, that was actually a quote from The District 2-- I really quite identify with Elder Murray... ha ha, not. I’m working super hard to change things, but nothing has been working out. I finally saw some glimmer of success that last week, then I was out to Tome. And salvation!!!!
This house is ridiculous. It took two days to clean it, but
what a sweet house! There is space to move! It is warm! There is warm water for
showers! It is easy to clean! Such wonderful wonderfulness, I feel like I have
died and gone to heaven, as they say.
And the sector-- absolutely enormous! Never in 6 months here
do I think that I could contact every house! Super pumped! We are going to be
finding and baptizing como locos aqui! And being with Elder Saenz again, ah
what a blessing. Our lessons go well, we teach together, with good solid
commitments--this is the mission at its best.
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Back with Elder Saenz! |
Tome is super nice. It’s a beach city with tons of hills, and there are tennis courts here! Super awesome. Really excited to maybe even play one day! But this is the place to be.
This week has been crazy. Monday was spent with Elder D,
running around Conce, packing, meeting Elder G’s mom, then saying bye to all
the VH people. They are so great. I love them all. Then on Tuesday, I had to go
to Conce to meet Elder S. We had to wait there for all the new missionaries of
the zone to get there. They are whitewashing a bunch of sectors here, putting
hermanas in--the whole zone is going to be new, which is awesome, it will be
really moldable. So Tuesday was crazy. We went to the hospital, as well,
because my skin was really bad, swelling, allergic reactions and stuff. And
guess who showed up in Tomé? Li’l Hermana G--what are the odds?! Kind of neat.
We had a good Wednesday--ate mole with a cool member, ran
all around the zone doing stuff; it was hard to fit in time to really just
work. So we are working on planning better and really using our time wisely.
But Elder S is great and we are having tons of fun. I can’t believe it’s only
been a week, though--I have never done so much, driven in so many buses and
taxis, and had so much fun! Things are going great. All the missionaries here
are really willing to work, and now it’s just on us to all do our best and help
the kingdom grow here!
It’s been super fun, and this next week we are going to make
changes so that we make our relation better with the ward and find some great
people to teach!
And the mission office called. It’s time for me to renew my
carnet, my visa. That settles it: I’m officially old. Dang. Too much to do, too
little time.
I gave a talk yesterday in the ward
(big ward, big win) about how to stop spiritual leprosy. Leprosy is a disease
that causes loss of feeling, so I talked about how the best way to return to
feel the same spirit of conversion and power of the Gospel and the Atonement is
to share it. Hopefully it animated the ward to help us out with the work—it’s up
to us to make it happen!
Hope you all have a great week with
school coming up and everything! I pray for you all always.
Elder Brown
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