June 24, 2013
Hey, Everyone!
So, it has been an absolutely crazy
week. We have been working really hard in our sector this week to start making
things happen, but it’s still not just all coming together. Really excited for
this week, though, to really start making things happen. Good stuffa.
We had a great chance this week to
hear that satellite transmission, live from the Marriot Center. Unreal--especially
all those missionaries! Allie in there somewhere, too. That’s pretty neat. But
that was great to watch, and we are going to change our work with the ward; it
has been just a huge blessing for us already as we have worked better with
them, but there is so much to change with them. They still are just not hugely
animated to get out and work with us, to make things happen.
Elder Carter and I had to go to
Conce last night to watch it there, so that then we could practice a special
musical number there for today with some other missionaries from Chillan. So we
watched it there, were spiritually fed, then practiced until like 9:30pm, then
ran back to Penco late. It was really great. That’s definitely Elder Carter’s
natural habitat--made a cool arrangement, it went real well.
All this afternoon we have had
preparation day because President’s farewell conference was this morning. We
got up at 5:30am to get to the place in time, then it didn’t even start for like
another hour. Frustrating. We ate doughnuts, which never happens. Never. Then we
got flu shots, took pictures, Sister Humphrey and President Humphrey both
spoke, and we played our musical number. It was “A Childs Prayer,” Elder Carter-fied.
Pretty neat. Very bittersweet-- the Humphreys are so great. But I am very
excited to get to know President Arrington, as well.
Also this week, Lirquen A (better
known as Aubrey Glazier´s cousin), is going to pull through with a baptism! H.,
who we have been working so much with, has finally been able to handle his
smoking. He is such a good guy, and he is so excited. In that interview, I just
felt so sure that he was ready. It was great. Earlier that day, I also did
another interview but, in that case, the lady was woefully unprepared. It did
not go well, she had tons of doubts, so I just left her with the commitment to
pray and stop smoking, and then, later that night, she called Elder Carter and
said she was done with the gospel. So that was disappointing but maybe mas
adelante she will be more prepared.
Other things that went on this
week—I’ve just been working hard with Elder Durrant to really train him well. I
really want to help him talk more, give him more chances and set him up for
success, and hopefully by doing that we will see some more success. I am feeling
pretty badly that I am not being a better example for him as far as how much we
are teaching and how well our sector is doing, but I am determined that I will
at least be the example of hard work, energy, and dedication to the work of the
Lord. So I am going to make those changes in myself so that can really
I am very excited for this week. I
am seeing changes in myself, and I want to keep going, being more and more
diligent and really just finding those daily miracles, like we have been
focusing on in the district. And the love. In the end, all you need is love.
Loving the work, loving being in
this sector, loving the food (way too much, need to really start dropping the
pounds but winter is hard), and loving the people. I really suggest Alma 8 to
study-- we read it as a district and I think it helped us all learn how to
improve. Sometimes we just have to go in by a different way!
Have a great week, enjoy all the
Elder Brown
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