December 3, 2012
Hey, Everyone!
Sounds like lot’s going on... not a ton of time to write but we are working better here in Talca Centro! Had an inspection of our house today (passed with flying colors) -- and we played tennis, too! It was great. The courts were all dirt, and I don’t think we were supposed to be playin’ on them... but hey, tennis is tennis. Borrowed racquets from a member and played with Elder Skyler Smith from St. George. Good stuff. Fun stuff.
Our fridge broke this week as we were cleaning it. So...workin’ on that one.
We baptized Sandra this week! She was so ready and the baptism was great! Both of us were in the font to help her out--she has had a stroke, and she has a hard time moving.
One experience that really stands out this week is when we were on divisions with the ward. I was with one hermano, Cristian Chamorro, and we were trying to visit a less active. Couldn’t find him but I asked him if there was anyone else we could visit, and we totally found a good investigator. He was really excited and it was great. I’ll try to share more experiences, but we don’t have a lot of time today between playin’ tennis and having that inspection.
Sounds like lot’s going on... not a ton of time to write but we are working better here in Talca Centro! Had an inspection of our house today (passed with flying colors) -- and we played tennis, too! It was great. The courts were all dirt, and I don’t think we were supposed to be playin’ on them... but hey, tennis is tennis. Borrowed racquets from a member and played with Elder Skyler Smith from St. George. Good stuff. Fun stuff.
Our fridge broke this week as we were cleaning it. So...workin’ on that one.
We baptized Sandra this week! She was so ready and the baptism was great! Both of us were in the font to help her out--she has had a stroke, and she has a hard time moving.
One experience that really stands out this week is when we were on divisions with the ward. I was with one hermano, Cristian Chamorro, and we were trying to visit a less active. Couldn’t find him but I asked him if there was anyone else we could visit, and we totally found a good investigator. He was really excited and it was great. I’ll try to share more experiences, but we don’t have a lot of time today between playin’ tennis and having that inspection.
Let’s see--we don’t have any really great
investigators right now--lots that could be great but we are just starting with
all of them. We are working really hard, though, to get a lot of them in the
church so they can progress. I am getting’ the swing of things here in Talca
Centro--Elder Conti thinks he is going to leave this transfer and that I’m
going to train. Don’t think I like that idea--going to be even more stress doin’
that. But it’s whatever. Better to be focusing on that than missing everything
that’s going on at home.
I have seen President like three times, I think? At
conference, our interviews, and a training we had on Thursday. Good stuff. Nice
guy. Seems really relaxed with everything, which is kinda how ya have to be in
Chile, I guess.
So we have been working hard this week. I got a letter from Tom and Cars! Sounds like things are great. Good to hear from them. Classic Tom quote: 'Forget UNC anyway, am I right?' Ha ha. And Carson in religion class with his Buddhist teacher. I’m sure that’s been interesting. I sent a letter to them, too--should get there by the time I get back to Duke. Hopefully.
So we have been working hard this week. I got a letter from Tom and Cars! Sounds like things are great. Good to hear from them. Classic Tom quote: 'Forget UNC anyway, am I right?' Ha ha. And Carson in religion class with his Buddhist teacher. I’m sure that’s been interesting. I sent a letter to them, too--should get there by the time I get back to Duke. Hopefully.
We got cussed out this week by a drunk in the
street, yellin’ at us that we lied to his mother. He had a really long white
beard. Basically we got cussed out by the Chilean Santa Claus.
(About the photos from Carson, Tom, and
Wow, classic
photo of Carson with a HUGE beard. What a man. And James! Good guy. Send my
regards to him, as well. And great photos of Allie—I’d love to know more about
those guys she is with... Na, just kidding. Great Christmas photo of them. In
plaid. Lumberjacks. Tom with the pumpkin! Ha ha good stuff. And Molly
Culhane... what dance was that? Looks like it was a party. Looks like Cars
Daddy trimmed the beard up for that one. Well... looks like all is going good
out there. Are Tom and Cars gonna visit Utah this winter?
What else happened this week. Had a good training
session all Thursday morning with the president. It was about how to teach more
like Christ. I’m really confident in Elder Conti and my abilities in teaching.
We are doing well. Just need to keep working hard. Had a mini change with Elder
Silva from Santiago this week, in Jardin Del Valle. Super hard two days—lots of
walking really fast--taught like three lessons total. Super hard. I learned a
lot, especially about optimism and keeping the good attitude! Really essential
to the work. Havin’ fun!
Have fun in Hawaii, too. Send my love to everyone!
And Maggie, too, even though she doesn’t write me. Punk.

Heard you talked with Al Sanchez! Good stuff! Awesome! Love that guy. He
alone will make it hard to leave TC. Give my
love to everyone!
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