Last week, Zach didn't have time to write us a full letter; luckily, we had had a great Skype visit with him the day before (Mother's Day), so we survived. Here's what he sent this week:
26, 2014
family, and friends, and all, heelloooooo!!!!
We have been
practicing being firm but loving, and we have started to see some good changes.
Being responsible for these missionaries has really taught me a lot of
patience, and love, and the need to be firm sometimes. I am thankful for that;
I’m sure it will serve me very well later in life.
We went to Concepcion
for council today, had some great talks. This week, we had a slow week as
far as the finding goes but I love my companion. We have just kept up a great
attitude, and we are working hard. We had found no one the entire week, which
is an embarrassment, after really working at it, and were feeling kind of down,
but just kept doing the work and Sunday night we found a great lady that accepted
baptism and learning more! She has a lot of problems but I have the faith, and
we are going to start on the works to help the Lord get her there. Her name is
J.; Pray for her!
I have to run. It’s
been a crazy day! But I will see you next week! Love to all!
Elder Brown
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