Sounds like it’s been quite an eventful
week in the Brown family--/Hammond family, I guess. My sister just broke
the second oldest Provo rule in the book (only slightly less known than to
never get into a land war in Asia)--not only did she salir with a wardy, she
MARRIED a wardy! That’’ll sure go down in history in the ward.
Anyways, it’s been a busy week here
in Chile. We had a good district class--the traveling assistants came--one of
which is good ol’ Elder Hernandez, my first zone leader! Great little Peruanito,
definitely changed a lot. He’s very serious now, but still pretty funny. It was
good to see him and Elder Carter together again. Just like the good old days.
But they were around, stayed the night in our house, it was madness, and then I
got sick. The next couple of days are kind of a fog--full of headaches and lots
and lots of mucous. Luckily this all coincided with some weird reaction to some
bug bites on my legs which made it really hurt to walk. So, this week I had my
first real brush with Chilean healthcare! Luckily, Penco is much better than
Talca! We went to the consultario, as they say here (just like a doctor’s
office) but they told us the best way to do it was just to go to the emergency
room. So that’s what we did! Got there early, before it opened, but people
started to arrive in caletas, so that was lucky. Got in and out fast, got some
medication, and now I’m doing a lot better! Overall, I give it a seven but we
got pretty lucky-- could very easily have been more like a three. Blessings for
missionaries, once again.
Ended the week well--Romina was able
to come to church with Francisco again, and Sebastian is coming faithfully! We
are really blessed to have them but it is just the worst that Sebastian just
can’t make his marriage happen! We always have planned to meet with Ciomara but
she always bails. I think she kind of feels pressured to get married. So we are
going to keep them on the burner and get finding!
Really been seeing the blessings of
dedication this week—it’s been a defining week for me, really trying to stay
focused on the work besides lots of distractions. Hopefully we can have lots
more success in May as a result. We saw some amazing blessings on Sunday for
the zone--we had decided to fast as a zone, and church assistance sky rocketed!